Exceptional Ingredients

Caviar Perlita
L’Esturgeonnière, a specialist in farmed caviar, is located in Le Teich in Aquitaine, a region renowned for its gastronomic heritage. It is one of the only farms in France to have mastered the entire cycle in the same location, i.e. the hatchery, the breeding farm and the processing laboratory.

Gourmet Foods
Lautrec garlic, Carpentras black truffle, Espelette pepper, Perigord walnut oil, Menton lemon, Guérande fleur de sel, Reunion garam masala, pine kernels, Burgundy snails…

Pearls of Lebanon
Pine nuts from Kaytouli
These kernels come from the Umbrella Pine, Pinus pinea, which is the “noble” and traditional variety in the Mediterranean basin.